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Visual Works Sample

Daniel Howell 407 Indesign Skills Test.png

Indesign Skills Showcase

For this project, I utilized a wide range of my different skills and techniques in Indesign to assemble a news article publication. Some of these skills included font manipulations, box and image positioning, photo and design layout, and overall cohesiveness.

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Photoshop Skills Showcase

For this project, I utilized a lot of skills that I have polished in photoshop to create this magazine cover. I displayed skills in designing, coloring, positioning, shading, healing, and stitching pieces together to get a clean overall look.

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FSN Department Media Post

During my media management project, I ran Cal Poly's Food Science and Nutrition department's media presence. I designed their new logo (bottom left), biography's, and several posts and stories like this one.

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Infographic in Illustrator

I created a composite in Illustrator of an article that could appear in a magazine. This was an example of an informational feature story. The graphic is eye catching and relational and the content matches the theme of the image. Check out the rest of the spread at the here.

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InDesign Newspaper Clone

Using InDesign, I cloned a newspaper. I utilized my knowledge of InDesign software to replicate the images and stylistic choices from a page of the Sacramento Bee newspaper with tag line "Tee it Up" into my own identical style with tagline "Bee it Up".


Miranda Cosgrove and Michael Jackson Blending

This was another part of the masking and blending project for my Journalism class at Cal Poly. I reframed, resized, and re-brushed a picture of actress Miranda Cosgrove and overlaid in onto the King of Pop himself. I think this photo shows more mastery of the technique and the humor that I enjoy in my projects.


Pizzeria Logo Recolor

Green and red, the colors of the Italian flag and seem to capture the zest and flavor of pizza itself, so for the text I chose to represent those colors. In my mind's eye, Parmigianos is a family friendly place that kids love to go to. I wanted to make the logo as inviting as possible so I added a friendly light blue to the hat which is eye catching but also similar to the light shades of a traditional baker's hat. Finally, I added outward glow to the restaurant's name in traditional green as well to tie it together and make it look as if it was something out a kid's crayon book. It maintains it's professionalism with a bit of playfulness as well.


Shape Logo Project

This simplistic design was an assignment  in which I was required to make a self logo using only shapes. The symbol of a wolf is a recurring symbol in my family. The howl of a wolf harmonizes with the Howell I carry in my name. This symbol is similar to one that I used in my Public Relations Commissioner Campaign.


Editorial Illustration

For this Journalism assignment, we were tasked with representing a current headline with our own illustration. The headline I depicted entitled, "The 74-year-old 'Black Widow' killer who murdered her lovers with cyanide". This shows how I developed skills turning headlines into graphic visuals.

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InDesign Magazine Spread

For my last project in Journalism 390, I was tasked with creating a spread that could appear in a magazine. I chose to depict something that corresponds with my major, agriculture. Check out the end results here.



Visual Works: Work

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